Mohamed Akrout

Home Bio Research Resources

Multimodal GPT for Veterinary Practices

Myself and a few friends have been exploring different use cases and applications for GPT models in the veterinary space. We have recently augmented a large multimodal model (LMM) with a large veterinary database. You can find our VetGPT chatbot at the OpenAI GPT store here. Feel free to try it out and let me know what you think!

Generative AI Gallery

To keep my GPUs busy, I fine-tune multiple generative AI models (e.g., diffusion and GAN models) to generate synthetic images for heathcare and artistic applications.

Wireless Communication Interview Questions

Over the last few years, I recruited multiple team members for AI or wireless communication openings after asking different questions to assess their technical background. While AI interview questions are abundant online, wireless communication interview questions are less accessible. You can find in this document a list of interview questions I asked, along with their answers. I should mention that many of these questions are inspired by Prof. Iain Collings' excellent YouTube channel. Feel free to try them if you are interested in the wireless communication industry, and I am happy to assist with any answers or explanations (best of luck!).